đŸ”„ Remove All Google/GMB Reviews - 100% Success Rate GUARANTEED w/ THOUSANDS Reviews Removed 🚀


I can remove any Google / Google My Business (GMB) review. All I need are the URLs of the reviews you want removed. If I can’t remove it, no one can.

  • Unmatched Track Record: 190+ Tickets Completed / 0 Failed Cases
  • Success Rate: 100%
  • Guarantees: Reviews Permanently Removed within 0-7 Business Days With NO Google My Business (GMB) Access.

With thousands of reviews successfully removed, my team and I are the exclusive suppliers of this service in the entire industry. If someone is offering cheaper pricing, they cannot deliver. If someone is charging more, they are simply reselling my service.

:moneybag: Pricing:

Quantity Price Fees Included
0-9 Reviews $450 per review No
10+ Reviews $450 per review Yes

How do I calculate SWAPD fees?

Open me for an example.

Amount ($450) → Social Media → USDT ERC20 → Millionaire Club Member = $494

Note: Our pricing is set at a wholesale rate and is not open for negotiation. The rate remains the same at $450 per review, regardless of the quantity. I cover ALL SWAPD fees if you’re purchasing more than 10 removals.

Don’t waste time with cheaper options or unreliable sellers. You won’t find anyone cheaper who can deliver at a 100% success rate. Come to the direct source & the only successful provider in the entire market. :medal_sports:

Even SWAPD Admins vouch for my service. :trophy:

Still not convinced? Check out more of my satisfied customers.

Everything You Need To Know:

Are reviews permanently removed or just hidden?

All review removals are permanent. We do not “suppress” or “hide” content, nor do we flood or spam listings with fake, meaningless positive reviews. Once the review is successfully removed by Google, it will be completely removed.

What happens if the exact same review reappears?

It’s very rare for removed reviews to reappear. If they do, it’s usually due to a glitch or SERP issue on Google’s end. If this happens, we will remove the review again at no additional cost.

What if the original reviewer reposts the review after it’s removed?

Unfortunately, we cannot prevent this from happening, though it’s very rare. All review removals are confidential, and the original poster/publisher is not notified by Google regarding any removals/correspondences.

How do you remove the reviews?

Our service provides a more advanced reporting method. We have an in-house team of policy specialists with an in-depth understanding of Google’s guidelines, content policies, and local laws governing published content. With our extensive knowledge and strong relationships, all reports are submitted and escalated to higher levels of Google content moderation.

I have tried to remove the review(s) myself previously, does this matter?

If you or another party have already attempted to remove the reviews before reaching out to me, it may impact my ability to assist. Please let me know when your last attempt was, and I will assess whether I can help. Aggressive removal methods, such as mass reporting or marking reviews as inappropriate, can flag the reviews and harm your GMB profile, making the process more difficult. I recommend a 14-30 day “cool-down” period before attempting removal again.

Is this censoring or silencing people's opinion?

We advocate for fair reputations, asserting everyone’s right to request the removal of damaging online content. We believe that everyone has the freedom and ‘right’ to a fair reputation. Our goal is to simplify the process, eliminate the barriers and difficulties that are involved in removing content from the internet. Ultimately, we are not removing the content ourselves, the decision is in the hands of the platform (Google). Our job is to facilitate this process.

Is this illegal? Will I get in trouble by the FTC?

No. All of our practices are completely legal, ethical, and in full compliance with review platforms’ guidelines, terms of service, and the FTC’s recent rulings. To put it simply, we don’t decide which reviews get removed—we’re a third-party agency hired to identify, manage and report content that may violate the platform’s guidelines, helping to remove harmful content efficiently. Most importantly, we never use unethical tactics like groundless legal threats, intimidation, extortion, or bribe insiders/employees to influence the removal of content.

Our service focuses on reporting content that genuinely violates platform policies. Since we don’t manipulate or falsify reviews and follow all relevant guidelines, the FTC’s ruling doesn’t affect our operations or give you any reason to worry about using our service.


Hello, i have a digital marketing agency, i may be interested by your service on a bigger scale, like removing hundred of reviews a month, my budget would be way way lower than 800$ by review, do u think we could figure something out?


Another review successfully removed & ticket closed :rocket:

100% success rate on these, all done within 7 days.

Hit me up!


Do you offer bulk removals? Like someone else mentioned above, I wam looking for a solution that can do a few hundred at once for an account.


Yes, I can handle an unlimited amount.

Shoot me a PM! :magic_wand:


I can vouch for my G @Ryan. He deleted around 15 negative reviews from my GMB profile in just 7 days. Amazing guy :heart: :heart:


Currently in multiple tickets, getting reviews removed as we speak.

Hit me up! :rocket:


Man knows his stuff, highly recommended for reviews removals, just closed my ticket, will be back for more.


Taking on more cases! DM me direct URL’s to the reviews you need taken down and I’ll get them removed 100%! :rocket:


Removed more for me. Thank you to this legend our business profile looks clean now.


Two more tickets opened :rocket:

Hit me with all of your inquiries!!


Known this guy for years, very legit and this service is fiređŸ”„