




Cybersquatting is illegal under ACPA

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No, it is not cybersquatting. I purchased this through an aftermarket auction in 2020.

This was tested in a three panel ruling under the UDRP, as well through civil litigation in New York.

The ruling specifically notes that it is not infringing upon any trademark; its initial registrar failed to renew the domain within the grace period.

The domain and content on it are not in violation, but you advertising on here - using his name & assigning a value to it based on that is considered cybersquatting. You purchased this with the intention of profiting from a recognizable trademark, company name, or personal name. Not trying to hate; just be mindful that it is illegal regardless of what you think or how you interpreted the civil case. It’s criminal; not just civil.

And by the way, I’ve flipped several domains like this to major labels. So I’m not calling you out in that regard. Just letting you know that publicly advertising with his name like you’re doing could land you in hot :sweat_drops:


I appreciate your input, fairly confident this post in itself would not suffice as evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt.

But yeah, I purchased this in early 2020 and ran AdSense on news content for several years, and I now intend to sell it.

Going to take this post down in respect to the forum rules, thanks for your feedback.

I don’t think it violates their rules. I hope you sell it. Was just a friendly warning on potential legal consequences :slight_smile: