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Property type: Youtube
Amount of fans/followers: 1,500,000
Country of followers (majority): US/CA/UK
Topic/Niche: Comedy, Pranks, Challenges
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: No
Price: Give a really good offer above $65,000, worked really hard on this page!
Description: pm on here if you’re a serious buyer.
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I went ahead and marked this one premium, but a fair warning to everyone. These properties are very active, but they’re related to a specific person. Anyone purchasing this will instantly meet with backlash. It’s like if Robert Deniro would sell his profiles, you would expect the fans to stop caring. Same goes for this instance. These accounts are excellent, but only until the main star stays on it. @Sellfactory, I can tell you right now we see this predicament all the time, and you will most likely never be able to sell it, especially at that price tag. These fans only follow these accounts for you, and without you, the activity will die.
Leverage YOUR fans to build non personal/niche pages and sell those, I did the same it works much better. If you have any other pages available do let me know!
Hi @Sellfactory please pm me. I own a company who specialise in generating good revenue from Facebook accounts like this one. You won’t even have to sell, and we do all the work