Selling 1k and 50k followers with Blue SubsTwitter Accs

Amount of followers: 1k to 50k
Country of followers (majority): Mixed
Topic/Niche: no content, inactive.
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Mixed


I want to sell 1k/5k/10k/20k/30k/50k Twitter Blue Subs/Blue Badge Accounts
Stocks are uptading regularly.

plz share username with price

Any 10k + accounts available… Please send info as well

Any 10k+ account? dm me please

Looking for 1k accounts & 1x 10K + handle
DM information and prices

plz share username with price

Please send me username

how much for a 1k account? Interested.

how much for 1 - 2k one?