Selling 2.3k subs Motivational YouTube channel

Amount of subscribers: 2350
Country of subscribers (majority): United States
Topic/Niche: Motivation (Luxury)
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: Over 500k views in total. I don’t have time to continue youtube so I am selling this. It can easily go to 5M views per month with enough consistency. You would need about 30 minutes a day to keep it active if you wanna continue in the current niche or you can just rebrand it and use it for some other niche.

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DM username pls

Can you DM me the Username?

Link and analytics for overview and revenue tabs please. Thanks.

Still available, super interested


Interested if still available

Hi im interested for rebrand…
please share last revenue tabs and your last price?
DM for the link

DM link pls


Interested to buy this channel ASAP.
Let me know DM

helo sir,

I want to buy the ch, can you send me insights please, link and final price.

Kind Regards,

Link and analytics for overview and revenue tabs please. Thanks.