Selling 271,000 Subs Fortnite Youtube Channel (SOLD)

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Country of followers (majority): United States
Amount of fans/followers: 271,000+
Topic/Niche: Fortnite (Gaming)
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow - Organic Growth
Unfollow/Engagement Networks): N/A

The channel has 271K. It is a fortnite channel about different type of content with fortnite and fortnite streamers etc. I can explain more if you are interested

. Over 35,000,000 total views. Top viewed video has 9.2M. Can get over 1,000 likes per video (minimum). (The video could blow up).
If you all have anymore questions just DM me.

What’s the monthly revenue?

Pm me link and price


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Why is the revenue censored?
Whats the revenue?

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Please pm channel url and best offer so far?

Super interested.
PM more details.
Whats your expected price?

Can u pm me channel details please

Url and more infos regarding Adsense

Very interested, PM me more info please.

Please pm channel link

Please PM me the link and all details along with revenue

What’s your offer price of channel

send me link and requested price

send me link and requested price

What is the current offer?

DM link and price plz

Already sold. Sorry