Selling 491k Fashion and Decor Instagram account!

Country of followers (majority): United States
Amount of followers: 491517
Topic/Niche: Fashion and decor
Does it include the OG (original) email?: yes
Promotion methods used: Hashtags, shoutouts
This is the largest account in the popular bohemian fashion and decor niche :heart: This instagram account is perfect if you would like to make extra $$$ in promos, or use it to advertise your business. You can make $500+ per week in promos if you invest time replying to business enquiries. In the past I have made $1500+ per week through advertising. Posts receive an average of 6,000 to 10,000 likes, and 30 to 350 comments. I posted only once per day last week and received 1.4 million impressions. The more often you post, the more people you can reach! The majority of followers are US based. 80% of followers are female The original email address is included in the sale. I am selling this account because I do not have the time to run it anymore. I used to allocate 1-2 hours per day to source quality posting content and book paid promotions. Due to a career change at the start of this year I have had no time to maintain this. The account has A LOT of potential for someone who is passionate about growing it to be the best it can be :heart: Account is ready to sell immediately.

PM the details please!

Based on analysing your past advert performance and frequency this profile is overpriced.

page name?

edited by staff

Link warning!

We have removed some portions of your entry (links), as it directly violated our Terms of Service. You’re not allowed to place URLs to your property inside the topic. The reason for this is so you don’t expose your URL to the general public. It’s never a good idea to do so, as the topic will end up on Google, and sometimes hackers/social mods may try to take over/remove your social profile. If someone is interested, they will ask you to send them a private message.

For more information, please read our Terms of Service.
If you have additional questions just send us a private message.

Thank you for using SWAPD.

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SOLD! Thank you for using SWAPD.