Hi There.
I have over 15 years of experience on websites and making blogs.
I don’t have time to manage those but have lots of potentials if you manage them and create content.
I have over 50 blog websites.
I have about 5 for sale right now.
- Business News 250$ SOLD
- Seo Blog ( High end domain ) ( xxxBlogSEO.com ) 200$
- General Niche ( Amazon Reviews, with 100 articles, ready to be monetized) 250$ ( with backlinks )
- General Niche ( Amazon Reviews, with 100 articles, ready to be monetised ) 200$ ( with backlinks )
- General Niche ( Amazon Reviews, with 100 articles, ready to be monetised ) 200$ ( with backlinks )
Why buy a ready website? Because it saves so much time, and is ready to rank.
What would you get for the price?
You get a full website file with the domain. Best to have a namecheap account to faster transfer.