Selling Instagram with 36k+ followers

Country of followers - 1: USA, 2: UK, 3: Australia

Gender: 79.3% women 20.6% men

Amount of fans/followers: 36.5k

Topic/Niche: Boys/Men/Girls/Women/Lgbt/Memes/Models

Promotion methods used? Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow

Likes: 300 - 18.8k (most liked over 18k, went viral on explore page) likes depends on time, day, and content posted

Story views: 2k+ depends on time, day, and content posted

Reels views: 24k - 49k+ depends on time, day, and content posted

Description: Account will be good for anyone. Can turn into personal account. Selling it because I don’t have time for it anymore. Account has connections to models, and tiktokers (who have previously paid for shoutouts on the account, and so on). Can also give you hashtags I’ve used to get on explore page



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