Selling my 140k subscriber channel (SOLD)

Amount of subscribers: 140.000
Country of subscribers (majority): United States
Topic/Niche: Entertainment
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
All views is organic from youtube search, google search, recommended and subscribers

Monetization enabled. High majority of subscribers have post notifications turned on. A total combined over 56 million views. This channel started on the 13th of October 2018 and managed to gain over 140k subscribers in that time. A lot of viral content has been put on this channel. The channel post compilations about the fastest content on YouTube. It’s easily monetisable and once you have a viral video you are good for months. The channel is in the entertainment industry and sponsers are willing to work with this channel very often. Every traffic it’s 100% organic. Last Month I got $275 in revenue, but it can go up to $500 if you upload an put more effort in it. Now you might wonder why I want to sell this channel? Wel I don’t have time anymore to get the best out of this channel so that’s why I’m looking for someone who has. The channel is growing a lot each day so I think it’s the perfect time to pass in on to someone else.Y ou can send me offers and I will message you, the offer should be around the price. t’s a fair price for this channel as I worked so hard and put all my effort into it. Feel free to send me a message if you are interested.

Warning! Your listing is missing key data!

Seller, we please ask you to update your listing and include the demographics of your fans/followers/traffic. Showing potential buyers what countries are your followers from will save you (and them) a lot of time. This is your only warning, we will remove the listing if you don’t comply in a timely manner.

Thank you for listing on SWAPD and good luck with sales. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any other active admin.

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Plz send the link

Link please

dm link and highest offer

link please

May I have the link?

Interested in this page. Can you PM me the link, and ideally a rate associated?

message back, im interested if still available

Please send me the highest bid at the moment. And send the link please, thanks.

send link please

Link please

Please PM links and highest offer!!!

Link please

send link + highest offer


Please pm link

link and price please

Link please! And demand as well…

username and offer?