Amount of subscribers: 140.000
Country of subscribers (majority): United States
Topic/Niche: Entertainment
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
All views is organic from youtube search, google search, recommended and subscribers
Monetization enabled. High majority of subscribers have post notifications turned on. A total combined over 56 million views. This channel started on the 13th of October 2018 and managed to gain over 140k subscribers in that time. A lot of viral content has been put on this channel. The channel post compilations about the fastest content on YouTube. It’s easily monetisable and once you have a viral video you are good for months. The channel is in the entertainment industry and sponsers are willing to work with this channel very often. Every traffic it’s 100% organic. Last Month I got $275 in revenue, but it can go up to $500 if you upload an put more effort in it. Now you might wonder why I want to sell this channel? Wel I don’t have time anymore to get the best out of this channel so that’s why I’m looking for someone who has. The channel is growing a lot each day so I think it’s the perfect time to pass in on to someone else.Y ou can send me offers and I will message you, the offer should be around the price. t’s a fair price for this channel as I worked so hard and put all my effort into it. Feel free to send me a message if you are interested.