Selling Organic Youtube Monetised channel with approx 200k subscribers

Amount of subscribers: 198k
Country of subscribers (majority): Worldwide
Topic/Niche: can be upload any videos but most recommended gaming or vlogging
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
100% Organic
Description: hey guys this is my new Youtube channel with Monetization enabled…i am selling it because i have another youtube channel with 50M+ views, so i can’t handle it …this is a very good for whom who want upload videos related to the games or vlogs

…if you like this channel then just DM me asap for link and more information :blush::v:

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I’m interested. Can you PM me the link?

Don’t expect third party sites to be correct with analytics.



hey can you send me a link and your last price


198K subs and only 18K all time views, looks like botted channel.

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Sorry for that…but the owner of the channel mistankly deleted all old videos included viral videos too so the views showing of new videos just but channel had more then 44M+ views…it can be see in lifetime status of YouTube studio
