Selling rare OG username on TikTok (travel name)

Property type: TikTok OG travel name
Why is it unique?: unique one word name, travel related (8 letters)
Price: $2,500 or best offer

Description: Selling rare OG username on TikTok (travel name).
This is a unique name. The account doesn’t have any followers, as the name was recently transferred.

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Good luck Jean! :wink:

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@explorer You cannot disclose handles publicly. PM it to prospective buyers it is against @SWAPD TOS

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I thought this was your brand username why you selling it?

Understood and my apologies. This is my first listing and I’m still learning my way around SWAPD.


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I am selling it because I have no interest in this platform. I will not be investing anymore on TikTok so I might as well sell it.

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Account still available. Listening to best offers. :slight_smile:

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