Selling Recap Channel

Country of followers (majority): 25.1K subscribers
Amount of fans/followers: USA
Topic/Niche: Movie Recap
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: Hello, anyone interested in my monetized channel with movie niche. 35% of my audience is from United State. Im only 2 months from posting again to this channel so the revenue just started in in the middle of may as of today. You can send me offer im not rushing to sell the channel since its still profitable i just want to see if someones interested buying it and i can make a new channel if no one interested its fine i can just continue with this one. I believe the price for this channel is already 30000$ above

Great channel GLWS


what’s the editing/production cost per video?

For script its only 30$ and for video i edit it on my own

Can you send me the link ?