Selling Snapchat Account 190k Followers

Snapchat account, Got 190k followers, Selling for 5k - 8k usd - if super keen might do bit less.

Use too be a show turned into public profile to go down the route of making content and money from stories too.

only selling cause got bills to pay for family so need gone asap. Was posting on it last year and that was the earnings crazy money and crazy potential but just don’t have the time to start posting anymore to get the views back up so can start earning like that again.

February - March made $33,000
September - October made $116,000, That’s just a few of the months that’s how much I made.

money is crazy if u just stay consistent with posting on stories and stuff the more u post the more views u get more you’ll earn. and then u can apply for the snap star once you get the views back up and will earn even more. Did a few sponsor deals too like for company’s so earn good money with them.