Service to add real members to Telegram groups (from target groups)

Service Description: If you want to grow your Telegram group but do not want to do this by paying too much for bot members, fake clickbait ads or various social media applications, you are in the right place. This service allows you to add active members to your group from target groups and channels. It prevents passive members from being added to your group with filtering options and protects your group from unnecessary bot accounts.

Target Groups: If the members of the target groups you specify are not private, they are collected directly from the group members who appear in the member list; if they are private, the data of the people who actively speak in the group is collected. In channels, the collection cannot be done directly from the channel subscribers, but if the channel has a discussion group, the data of the members who comment on the channel’s posts from the discussion group is collected, even if the discussion group is private.

Filtering: One of the things that distinguishes the service of adding members to groups from getting bot members is filtering. It helps to add the most accurate target audience to your group by filtering the data to be collected from the targets more than once. For example, if you set the filtering to the last week, if the current day is Friday, the members who were active until Friday of the last week will be collected in the data and the members who are old or do not enter Telegram will not be added to the group.

Filtering Options: Member data collected from target groups is collected as members who have been active in the last week. By collecting users who have been active in the last week and only have usernames, it is possible to prevent both dead members and bot accounts from being added to the group.

Bulk Purchasing Pricing: As you can imagine, bulk purchasing is more budget-friendly than partial purchasing. Instead of buying daily, you get better pricing when purchasing in bulk, and you don’t encounter problems like “I’m full now” or “Come in 3-5 days” when purchasing in bulk. A special stock is allocated for you and your purchase amount, and you won’t be interrupted until your transaction is completed.


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Could you tell me the detailed project process?

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