Share Your NFT Flips

The NFT space is very busy right now, with a lot of new drops every day, a lot of opportunities to make money

Let’s share our recent flips here and motivate each other

I’ll start with a flip I did a week ago.

Bought a rare Surreal for 0.62 and sold for 1.77 pretty quickly


What’s your biggest flip?

2 eth profit.
I actually made a decent amount this past few weeks. I’m addicted now.


Nice. I need to find the time man :frowning: Teach me, master.

I got some of the staff addicted lol.
I can help you, hit me up anytime


Nice profit.Do u mind sharing some tips if u have ?

Which site do you use to buy and sell the nft’s on?


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How do you recognise which NFT’s value will go up and which won’t?

Developed many drops for clients
1 for myself

Grossed 7-8M

(Lot of marketing went into it)

Never bought a single NFT, I only develop them


Is it still going well? :smiley: @RandyMarsh

Update? :eyes: