Snapchat snapstar verification needed

This is needed by African contner creators ,footballers and entrepreneurs, so I have many people from $1500 to $2500 budget each ,
Pm me if you can do this within your budget.


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Am available, i can help you with it

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Hello :wave:, I can help you with that let talk privately on pm now

Are you ready to get this done :white_check_mark:

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Yes , can you DM to talk more about it

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Pls be careful of this guy @Maxdigital asking people to send him money directly , he said he needs to buy an smk for Snapchat verification so I should send him $2000 directly :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Lol :laughing:
Am seeing you’re not okay again

You are not okay , you think people on here are not smart not to fall for your cheap scam?

@administrators @SWAPD

@theflyeagle have your heard of Smk tools softwares used for Snapchat verification :rofl:


Lol :joy: send me 100k i sell IGV and SPV tools :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
