SnapChat verification services (that require access) are currently on hold

Hey, wanted to clarify for everyone. At least how I am able to do the verification.

You get verified because you are the owner of your snap show. It shows up under a snap show that you make. And you’re able to upload your episodes via portal. And you get instant access to spotlight . And spotlight pushes verified accounts more.

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Is this how they are doing it?

Believe its done through a falsely verified Snapchat business Ad-manager account. Then they link other people their Snap to the business-manager. Which gives it a false impression of looking verified.

I am not to sure on the details, but this is what I have been told. But essentially, its mainly some sort of ‘visual’ glitch.

That’s crazy, is this method still work ?


So it goes like this, the process involves exploiting a bug in the system, which will eventually be patched. These scammers tell you to delete your public profile which is required for real verification, but instead, they link the account to a verified account’s business manager, which creates the appearance of a verified badge for their friends. Do not fall for this scam, as it can lead to potentially having your account terminated. It is always best to go through vouched people for verification purposes.