Someone SCAM you? I will PUBLISH full story in Top 5 Google RANK results (no cap only facts)

Service type: Expose The Truth PR
Price: 990$-2500$ (depend on package)


I will publish and rank any honest expirience review about some company in the top 5 google searches, through Reddit posts, articles , quora etc.

REQ: The name of the company, person or website, don’t worry, i will rank up this and all will be published bellowe their website or under their name.

So next time when someone search their personal or company name this will pop-up first and they will see or read it GUARANTEED

‘Expose the Truth’ service deep to uncover the real stories behind some person or businesses. I will bring real experiences to light, ensuring that future consumers know exactly who they’re dealing with.

TAT: 7-30days


GLWS! :pray:t4:


It’s never someone.

It’s the EU.

Can you make one on that?

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GLWS BRO! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :raised_hands:

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GLWS. Gonna need this for someone very soon

How do I pay you about someone ?