Sponsored Keywords are still the cheapest way of promoting your SWAPD listings. Latest SWAPD search trends revealed!

Navigating the bustling marketplace of SWAPD can sometimes feel like walking through a crowded bazaar – with countless listings vying for attention. But what if there was a way to stand out and ensure that your listings don’t get lost in the crowd? Enter: SWAPD Sponsored Keywords.

What are SWAPD Sponsored Keywords?

SWAPD Sponsored Keywords is our exclusive feature that offers you the golden opportunity to buy top placement in our search results. By sponsoring a keyword, your listings will appear at the top of the search results whenever that keyword is used, giving you a significant edge over the competition.

Why Consider Sponsored Keywords?

  1. Prime Visibility: Enhance your listing’s visibility by appearing at the top of relevant search results.
  2. Cost-Effective: Compared to other promotional methods, sponsoring keywords on SWAPD offers a high return on a modest investment.
  3. Increased Engagement: With prime placement, your listings are likely to receive more views, inquiries, and potential transactions.
  4. User-Friendly: It’s straightforward to set up and manage, ensuring you get value without complexity.

A Friendly Reminder:

If you’ve previously overlooked this feature or are new to SWAPD, now’s the perfect time to leverage Sponsored Keywords. Think of it as your personal billboard in the heart of our digital marketplace.

What’s trending?

Here is a screenshot of our recent searches, data shown is accumulated for the past 60 days.

Some of the keywords may be a tad confusing. For example, tags:premium,spotlight,featured, means a user clicked the HOT link in our category navbar. It filters listings tagged premium/spotlight/featured. As you see, there is a demand for good listings! So, bring quality services/accounts and your listing will sell in no time.

Sponsored Keyword Pricing

To see the pricing and find out how to buy, see this link:


This is an example of a sponsored listing:

Think of them as our own, in-house Google Ads system! Laser targeted leads!

@woody I think some people are jealous of you :smiley: Found this gem of a stat:

They must be plotting to steal the throne. We need all units deployed to quell this uprising, @911.


help is on the way!
Car Chase Police GIF