Staff changes 02.06.2018

Just an FYI, we are making small staff changes, as of today we have removed Tedsk (admin) and Vincent (our moderator).

Tedsk is currently removed as he has no time to help us out.
Vincent was let go due to a rough exchange of opinions, and we’ve also felt a moderator isn’t currently needed on our website.

That is all! Thank you for using SWAPD.


Damn, sad to see him ago. I’m sure you and the other current staff will still be able to manage the site well, at least for the time being.

Thanks for updating us!

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thats sad, dealt with both before, good guys wish them luck.

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That’s sad he had the verification service at one point

The verification service was actually performed by user @Toms (probably still is, but he is overloaded with requests and it’s almost impossible to buy it from him) - But due to lack of Time @Vincent was managing his SWAPD clients.

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