Streams approved by Luminate

looking for streaming provider approved by Luminate

Do you register with ISRC and UPC codes

what do you mean? can you ellaborate?

For musicians or labels looking to have their music tracked by Luminate, they must register their content with the appropriate ISRC a
nd UPC codes.

ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) and UPC (Universal Product Code), Luminate can track your music streams and sales​

Once registered what would be the next thing?

Will be able to provide appropriate streaming provider and will be trackable for you to record profits and lots

how much it cost and the turn around time?

what other detials you need from me?

which country you from?

what you are looking for is close to an llc for music stream
which require higher budget

Tell @Topology to verify his ID before taking him serious. Good luck

Would definitely get verified before undertaking any project here
That’s for sure.
I appreciate you @Goodness11

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Thanks for the heads up @Goodness11

Is this something you can help is with?

Do you know someone who can help us?