[SUSPENDED] Hyper Active 47.6k Instagram Account ! ART NICHE ! Make money from it!

Property type:Social Media/Art Account
Amount of fans/followers:47600
Country of followers (majority):USA
Price:The highest

Description:Pretty good account! Gains a lot ! You can make money from it ! I am doing L4l with big account ! I have made 200$ till now and it is growing fast since i am doing l4l with accounts with more that 1mln accounts.If it is grown properly you can make even 500$ or more from it.Its usually gain 1000 followers or more everyday(by uploading only 3 photos).Photos get easily in the Explore Page and get easily viral because i am part of Engagement Groups! You can make extra income from this account by getting money from the people that need their art works to be shared.Insta Stories usually go to 3.5k views.See the photos for more Details.PM if you are interested with the price that you can offer.

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User suspended for failing to pass verification.