SWAPD Safety Report: A Look Back at Jan and Feb 2024


At SWAPD, we’re committed to transparency and trust, and part of that commitment involves sharing our performance data with our community. We understand that the numbers might not be 100% precise, as tracking statistics in a forum-based marketplace presents its challenges. However, we’re confident that the data we’re sharing is about 98% accurate.

January 2024

January saw a bustling activity on SWAPD, with a total of 928 checkout tickets. Out of these, only seven tickets were marked as “problematic” and remained unresolved, with just one dispute that we couldn’t find a resolution for, either through account recovery or fund retrieval. This translates to a success rate of 99.14% for transactions, a testament to the safety and reliability of trading on SWAPD.

February 2024

February continued the trend with 879 checkout tickets. Only 3 of these tickets ended up with an unresolved status, and similar to January, there was just one dispute that couldn’t be settled. This month saw an even slightly higher success rate of 99.54% for transactions, reinforcing the platform’s robustness and the efficacy of our mediation processes.


We’ve had more disputes and problematic tickets than what’s in the data above. But when a ticket enters a problematic status and is resolved, we can no longer track that statistic easily. Regardless, resolved issues shouldn’t be counted, although it would be nice to know the full numbers. But speaking from the gut, we can safely say that we never get more than 20-30 problematic tickets per month, and we do anywhere from 800-1200 transactions every 30 days.

SWAPD isn’t just a marketplace; it’s a community that thrives on mutual respect, trust, and the collective effort to maintain a safe trading environment. Yes, like any platform, we face challenges. Yes, there are scammers among us. But our relentless pursuit to keep them at bay and resolve issues efficiently speaks volumes about our commitment to you.


Thanks for the transparency. Swapd remains the best and safest place to find buyers and sellers and to conduct transactions over the internet.

p.s. the new avatar is :-1:t4:



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Nice Avatar SWAPD :sparkles::sparkles::call_me_hand:


Looks foreign + not even centered

Suggest him something nice GOAT

He can use what he wants but at least center it :joy:


Now back on topic, please.


This is pretty damn mind-blowing, when you factor in the nature of the services sold and that disputes must arise all the time (and do on other marketplaces that are similar) but SWAPD has somehow managed to keep this at a staggeringly low percentage.

The Staff should be very proud of themselves :heart:

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We attribute this to:

  1. ID Verifications.
  2. The SWAPD Army! When someone really gets scorned badly, members unite to help out.
  3. The fact that SWAPD has high-tier buyers who aren’t afraid to spend big bucks. Sellers don’t want to lose access to that.

Just change the avatars otherwise there’s no better digital marketplace than SWAPD. Keep thriving!

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These success rates could be shown at SWAPD

NO! Because that would cause buyers to ease up their guard. Part of our success is thanks to users themselves. They tend to avoid sketchy sellers.

Understood you want having buyers doing due diligence on sellers before making a purchase.
Please consider incorporating the following into an existing feature: seller ratio indicators for successful transactions and product thread ratios.

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Added to my ponder list!