can anyone verify telegram?
high budget
if you can’t, don’t waste my time
can anyone verify telegram?
high budget
if you can’t, don’t waste my time
Do it meet the requirements if so I can do it
yes, the client meets the requirements.
But we will not give access to the channel and you must have successful cases
Ok do they have at least 2 verified acounts?
Oh ok I don’t have any successful cases cuase I haven’t done it for no one , I wouldn’t need access either, just two verification links profile and the telegram link, tbh u can really do it urself keeping
do you have a bot input?
or what other links are available?
could you please share?
I’m sorry what you mean?
I can get it done through my telegram app method I just need ur two verification links and telegram link u want to veriei
I can buy your method for $2000 if it works
Ok so how would you like to proceed and wait sorry my
Method can def verify telegram if you have two other social media acc verify like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, VK, and Snapchat. but what type of telegram u trying verify , a Channel, bot or public group?
yes, my client meets all the requirements
he has 3 verified social networks and he has a press
I need to check the telegram channel
Oh ok perfect I mean if he wants his channel verified I can make it happen
Which ever you perfer it take 5 min process
Do you still need the service?
What’s your budget
I can help you with telegram verification 100% success rate kindly pm me for more discussions
send me case