The first member who reaches 1 000 000 USD in sales/purchases on SWAPD gets an all-paid trip to the islands of Maldives!

I totally understand @Posad :slight_smile:


Selling my house, car, life, and all my money for $1,200,000


Question, if SWAPD staff visits Pakistan, will we get a Pakistani version of the Safety Concern badge? :smiley: I feel there are enough mad Pakistanis at us to where if the staff flew out there and they found out, we might get shot.


Hahaha thatā€™s a good one :joy:

I donā€™t know why everyone sees Pakistan as a dangerous place, it is nothing like that.

Thatā€™s the wrong image of Pakistan
i want to change.


images (21)

Sed laif :pleading_face:
images (22)

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Itā€™s all because of two things

  1. insensitive hyper nationalist Boomers & millennials from both the countries always makes a fuss wherever they go. Not only on social media, that extends to desi citizens living abroad like Europe, uk, Australia etc, With both the countries make population of more than half the % of the world.

  2. Media House like BBC only wants to show terrorism & extremism in Pakistan just like they only wants to show poverty & rapes in India.

We can change the prospective narration, but itā€™s quite impossible to change the mindsetā€¦!


Iā€™ll try be one of the DC members soon. Swapd is an awesome place! Thanks, guys~

If you guys ever wanna go to Argentina (the Patagonia is really chill and nice & great for flexing outdoors vibes) let me know!! We could have a great trip, its so cheap here now that our currency is done, probably one of the cheapest / nicest places :smiley:

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Canada :canada: Anyone ?


Oh my gosh ! this is really beautiful place in the world and my dream is to visit !
i wish to get verified on swapd but i want to say that this website is REALLY AWESOME because of staff ! admins and moderators are really good ! i RESPECT ! swapd is very good website in the GOOGLE !
SWAPD.CO Wish you everything good ! Its @Brant


Because of the mantra America spews to the world. IDK how dangerous Pakistan is, but if I had to assume, itā€™s not as safe as visiting other ā€œmainstreamā€ tourist places. However, Iā€™ve been to sketchy places in my days, and from a tourist standpoint I have to say that I felt the most unsafe in Morroco (Marrakesh to be exact), Kenya, and finally, Mexico.

However, didnā€™t two people get beheaded in Paris last month? Like out of random on the street or in the church? Point? No safe places in the world these days.


Oh and maybe not unsafe, but Egyptians also make tourists make feel like ā– ā– ā– ā– , or at least that was my experience. Locals literally tried to extort money out of us, including our front desk manager at the hotel. We were treated like scum and most locals tried to con us one way or another.


Pakistan is the safest place, i am from Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa the Province most effected by terrorism and i can tell you, there is nothing as bad as new outlets show :joy:.
I recently Visited Skardu and it is heaven and what if i tell you that there is 0 crime rate there, No Robbery, No killing, Even they donā€™t have Police to patrol, You just go anywhere, Park your car anywhere, Leave Mobile phone, Laptop, bag anything and you will find it as you left it.
yes it is in Pakistan :star_struck:
Swat is another Place which everyone must Visit.
Btw i am from the town where Ashoka lived, Where Alexander The great was wounded and some says that wound led to his death.
So we here in pakistan have everything.
Whoever have plans to visit, i am just a Text away to be your Guide and PROTECTOR ( in case you are worried ) :joy::joy:


Pakistan zindaBAD!

Anyways, I am broke, but love to visit here!

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Santorini is lovely!

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Just an FYI, weā€™re working with our dev to see if itā€™s possible to track all earnings/purchases for everyone. If yes, we have some exciting times ahead of us. More details soon.


Thatā€™s an awesome news! But what about the tickets data of before 2019 which was wiped? Will be counted in the earnings / purchases or not?

Unfortunately, not. Also, no more purges every year if you want to keep the $ data displayed.

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From my humble point of view, it would be better to offer this trip to the Lucky one not based on achieving $1m but on something like Weight and presence of a member on swapd by voting per example. Someone getting to $1m doesnā€™t need Ć  gift like that he can afford it easily but motivating someone else can be 100x better. And as example,i would vouch for @coehn even if i donā€™t know him but he seems like a beast in social marketing :joy: and deserves your awesome gift

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While your idea is noble, might makes right. The very reason our company could afford such a trip is because of the dedication and hard work of the top earners. The money doesnā€™t just easily appear for them, I follow the tickets and some of the sellers work night and day to achieve their goals. Itā€™s that type of dedication that should be awarded. And we still look out for the users who will never achieve such heights by launching random (small) contests. We had one 2-3 weeks ago and paid 250 USD to the winner.