This site is blocked on FB

This site is blocked on fb, I tried sending link there and couldn’t send it, can you guys try to unblock it ?

I knew it was blocked as a referral link, but didn’t realize it was blocked as a normal link.

Sounds like you’ve done something right! @SWAPD


Try again in 48 hours, let’s see :smiley:


Use this URL to share our link on Facebook! [LOL - Banned again]

If we were for forward another domain to SWAPD, would that domain be able to be posted on Facebook or could they track that somehow? I’m think it might buy some time and if it works we could simply rotate out different domains.

See if you can share this on FB.

Worked for me. :ok_hand:

@austinlawson - Thanks for that but you’ve just killed that domain on FB :smiley: (It will soon be blocked too)
SWAPD was banned literally 2 days after we’ve said “OK, we’re kind of officially opened” and we had like 50 members and 4 listings.

They are also actively banning any domain trying to get around the ban with a redirect. I tried three times already. I sincerely believe this is the competition doing this because other sites like FameSwap are OK to share and other buy/sell companies even have their own fanpages. :man_facepalming:

The SWAPD kiss of death has happened:

That’s ok. It was worth a shot. It was just an old domain I had laying around anyway.

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I’ve gotten the domain unblocked from FB and IG.

Please try sharing the links now.

@SWAPD @Goofy

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Test it

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@Boogeyman - Please take my wife and make babies.
Dude, dude, dude, my sincere appreciation. Thank you.

Please open a service like this, I will pay to have another domain unblocked.

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Still waiting for you to open the service!

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