Tik tok account / 73k followers / GAME niche / 492K likes

Amount of fans/followers: 73k / 492K Likes
Topic/Niche: GAME (FREE FIRE) Gamer BLOG
Promotion methods used? Organic
Price $772 ($ 384 only today )
SWAPD fee is included in the price. Price negotiable :slight_smile:
Country of followers (majority): Kazakhstan

  1. The followers are real but the page been inactive for a time, thus might show no/ little activity on new videos . . you should understand this before buying.
  2. Also this account is good for resellers who can quick resell it at 2000$ / 3000$ or more+
  3. If you are looking for any other tik tok accounts just text us, we have more than one in stock in any niche. msg us OnSite if any questions . .
  4. As you know, developing an account from 0 Followers is quite difficult because you do not know where to start, how people can get to know you. That’s why we sell accounts that already have Followers, and it’s much easier to grow a business with lots of Followers and Likes. And will increase the credibility of your account.

Reliable TikTok pages Seller .
Available 24/7
P.S. more than 100 satisfied clients already!
Can plug you anything related to Social Media! Just shoot us a message !

We work with SWAPD middleman and accept that Payment Methods:

  • PayPal , Cryptocurrencies (BTC)


You gotta stop bumping 18 threads at a time and make one big post with all your accounts it’s so spammy

@ swapd I can’t be the only one

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Hello @Burke ! I already did this, but SWAPD did not allow me to make one listing with all accounts

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Can confirm - I said this.







Please send me all of your tiktok account names and prices .
Im very interessted. thanks



Dm handle pls

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