Tik-Tok Full Service | Verification, Unlock, Unban, Username Claim

Service type: Verification, Unlock, Unban, Username Claim
Price: depends on the order

Description: Hello TikTok Community, I’m delighted to present my TikTok services.:rocket::star2:

Verification: Are you a TikTok Creator, Business, Crypto Wizard, or a public figure looking for that coveted verification badge? Say goodbye to the struggles of the verification process. We’ll help you get your account verified.:large_blue_circle:

Price: on your acc 1000$ new acc with blue stick 800$

Unlock: You can’t log in on your Tik-Tok account? We’ll ensure you have access to everything you need to flourish on TikTok. :speech_balloon:

Price: 600$

Ban Resolution: Stuck with account restriction for live streams or bans? We’re here to help you resolve these issues swiftly and get back to creating amazing content without any interruptions. :no_entry_sign:

Price: 1400$

Username Claim: If you have a specific username in mind that you’ve always wanted, our service can make it yours. Get that unique TikTok handle you’ve been dreaming of. :id:

Price: non generic 900$ generic 2200$

Rest assured We’re committed to helping you achieve your TikTok goals. :muscle::iphone:

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