TIK TOK UNBANS - We can UNLOCK, UNBAN and REMOVE warnings from your Tik Tok's | Username claims | Accepting Resellers | Tik tok Portal |

We will get any tik tok account back
We are looking for loyal resellers for partnerships.

1 - 10 Business Days TAT.

Done through TikTok rep.
We can remove warnings from tik tok account


  • Username
  • Age of owner
  • Email
  • Ban reason
  • Was there a link in bio?
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what’s the price for username claims? i’m trying to get my own name someone created a profile under my name but never posted anything on it -,-

Hello @JuliusPepperwood

we are not providing this service at the moment anymore

did something change on tik toks end for this? Ive seen a couple people say its paused.

We still do tik tok recovey just not username claims

i know, im asking if something changed with username claims.

need a tiktok unban and unlock

Perhaps update topic title


Removed by STAFF

I have this account how long will it take? Someone else is doing it but it’s been 9 days and taking forever. Can you unban faster?

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