Tiktok Account US 156K | Follower 40% US audience | Creativity Beta Program | Tiktokshop

Country of followers (majority): 40% US
Amount of fans/followers: 156.000
Topic/Niche: Vlog
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

:heavy_check_mark: Beta program

:heavy_check_mark:Activate Tiktokshop

:heavy_check_mark:Live studio enabled

:heavy_check_mark:Register and activate

:heavy_check_mark:Series: Activated

:heavy_check_mark:Direct gifts: Activated

:heavy_check_mark:Advice: Activate

:teddy_bear: Accounts with interesting topics and active viewers,

suitable for both new bloggers and for creating a business

channel based on it

:purple_heart: To contact me click on the :point_right: “BUY” button :point_left:

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