Country of followers (majority): UAE
Amount of fans/followers: 1.3k
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):
Description: TikTok Acount
Gifter Level 34
Spent more than $20k and demanding only $2.5k.
100% Genuine Purchases, receipts available.
Thanks but I will better keep my account to myself.
Let me know if you have the level 34 account and you are willing to sell it for 300 USD.
Sure and lmk when you sell a 34 acc for 2500 usd
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I don’t expect someone to accept the 2500 price but I will not sell it for 300 either
Well Goodluck all the same
I have a DoorDash acc too. I’ve spent over $100,000 on food. I think it’d be wise to sell the account for $20,000 well best get on it