TikTok Username Claims

Service type: TikTok Username Claims
Price: Please contact us with case for price


Hey swapd users, we have a unique ability to claim usernames on TikTok!

We can process claims for individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, public figures, content creators, etc.

Can process changes for generic usernames as well!

Pricing depends on the case.

Please message us if you are interested or have any questions, thanks!

@swapd @brant make this a insured case

@lostboys do you need access to the account?

I’m talking about insured on the swap if he loses it. There’s none onsite who offers TikTok swaps

I do, you just need to be a public figure/creator :slight_smile:

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I mean I have very small press like medium, vents, the basic cheap wikis and a TikTok with 85k organic followers

TikTok swaps and claims are different

I do both swaps and claims :disguised_face:

How much for swaps? I need @gs on my main

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You must own the desired handle on IG already as stated in my topic.

… so basically it’s a claim not a swap. Very different swaps are just from one account to another

We can claim usernames and yes if you have it already on Instagram that makes it an almost sure fire thing. Let us know what you need we’ve delivered many of these already off site, as well as verifications.

I am not an idiot and I know the difference between a claim and a swap, I can swap your handle to another account if you own the handle on IG and if you are a creator/pub figure :laughing:

My question is why do I need it on instagram? Isn’t that just a claim on another account at this point, only difference is I have access to the TikTok username

Requirement from TikTok out, dont try to argue about it please.

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