Tiktok Verification Service


  1. The account shares at least 1 post,

  2. 4 news links published on good authority sites in the last 12 months on behalf of a person/institution (if one of the links is a verified account, it can also be a link to an Instagram account),

  3. For person; Name-surname, date of birth and country information on the ID,

  4. The Bio section on the Tiktok account is not empty (For example; Cristiano Ronaldo Official TikTok account, etc.)

  5. The e-mail address must be registered to the TikTok account.

  6. Finally, we request that the person’s Instagram or YouTube account, if any, be linked to their TikTok account.

Price: $800 - $1,000 + fees (depends on your current situation)

TAT: 1 - 7 days (1 - 7 days if the account PRs are good)