First one, a quicker way to search for tags in specific categories:
We are also streamlining our internal payment system, your payments will be verified much quicker once complete.
Next upgrade complete! User cards will now show the user’s local time (and country, if our system is able to pull the location). This way (hopefully), users will be more patient when waiting for an answer.
Time would be cool but why show location?
It only shows for Yair. So people know he is… special.
More updates coming soon!
1st. We will introduce a friendlier tag search/filter. Users will be able to filter by price bracket/platform/country/niche. Lots of technical difficulties with the price as most users put “best offer” so the functionality won’t be the best.
2nd. We will remove the loading circle on loading screens and switch to a progress bar in the header.
We’ve also upgraded how guests view listings to entice them to sign up. So far the signups nearly doubled!