Top 10 most visited SWAPD pages/areas for the past 28 days

Here is a quick digest showing the top 10 most visited places on SWAPD!

This data was pulled from the last 28 days.

#1 - The home page! Think our featured ads don’t get eyeballs? Well, they do!
#2 - The chat! - Our new SWAPD 3.0 feature (the chat) is the most now the most common way of communicating on SWAPD.
#3 - @McEvans unfortunate verification thread! - Yikes, 37000 views :frowning: Too bad it ended the way it did.
#4 - People searching for @SWAPD! - You guys need to give me a break.
#5 - The /latest topics! - People searching for new things.
#6 - This closed mentorship topic! - Ugh, again. Another dud that became popular.
#7 - Buyer Requests! - “You should make Buyers Requests seen on the front page, SWAPD! No one sees it” - Every SWAPD member. The stats say otherwise, though.
#8 - This silly topic! - We don’t know why (maybe it’s ranked high on Google), but this discussion is in our top 10.
#9 - Our ID easing topic! - Good to know that the word is spreading about buyers not needing ID verifications anymore.
#10 - No clue! To be honest, not sure what this is.

That sums it up! I was bored, so there you go :slight_smile:


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