
I think you meant 1 minute not second tho :upside_down_face:

what if we bought accounts with og emails from months ago then linked our phone numbers?

OK. So what is the final word here as I don’t know whether to make changes in our policies or not.

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Changes of email and phone number changes once the location of the account changes. They do not stay up forever from the person you bought the account from. Another thing to do is make sure you remove their location in the login acuity this will speed up the transition. You’re all welcome.

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Yes I did that, and it only gives me info on the current email. I’ve tried it with old accounts I’ve sold ( just to see ) and it’s only their current information and no mention of the OG email

I don’t think it’s less than 1 week. The account can be pullback within 1 week.

Are you sure you clicked on the “Need more help”?

Yep, and it only took me to the forums

Please test it on an Instagram account you recently logged in.

I have seen it happen to a page I sold to a client. However some may be different. I believe it’s a choice of Instagram on when it changes over also how active you are once you have ownership.

We do this all the time.

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Only works on recent accounts you use access to anything later then a month or two you won’t be able to get to the section to see the original al email or current email and phone number added you will be redirected to the support pop up screen like you have shared


please i have a very important question to ask… after recovery of your account using the iphone way after probably being scammed if the person still has the OG email can he retake your acct even after you reclaim it!? That is, is the og email still very relevant at this point if the scammer still has access to it?

So can we still sell ig verified accounts??

I am not sure. @onlyusernames when he contacted me made it sound like it’s the end of the world, but so far we’ve received no problems?

Hey team! By any chance can we get a full official breakdown of this update and how it effects everyone including methods to bypass it ect ect.

Okay then lets us go on may be take enough orecautions, if anyone one has experienced a problem then may be inform the rest of us!

Where can I remove the location?

I believe the option is called Recent Logins.

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