Twitter Gold Account With No Monthly Fees | Lifetime Gold You Don't Pay Monthly Fees On This Account

Screenshot 2024-09-30 104538

Are you tired of paying 1k a month to Twitter for gold?

I am selling an account with zero monthly fee for gold

yes you heard right you don’t have to pay the 1k monthly and you will still have gold

The account has been gold-verified since March 2023

You cannot have affiliates on the account

I will provide proof.

Price- 8k
Only selling this for 3 days

You can get Gold for $200/Mo without affiliates now, directly through X … What’s the catch?

Awesome to hear that

Theres no catch i was running so much ads on the account that they gave me gold for free and it has been like that since a year

So no catches

Huh interesting. Do you mind me asking what volume you have to run for them to offer this to you?

We got it randomly after spending 100k in ads

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Thanks for sharing

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