Twitter Username Claim and other services | First Millionaire Club Member on site

Service type: Twitter username claim (Non-Generic Only)
Price:$3k (exclusive of fees)
Please Note: Only non-active usernames qualify

TAT: 7-10 days
Payment Options: BankWire, BTC, USDT.



@Jkr123 was so fast, we didn’t even prepare the club yet, so she has to wear the peasant @DiamondClub badge. We truly apologize!

This topic is now a Paid Feature Topic and will run on our home page until Jan 1st, 2022!

Good luck with sales!


Congrates queen for your new service .


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What is Twitter VIT Access and why do I need it?

Queen of swapd hit 1M. Big congrats!

I’m also curious what VIT access is


Could you reply to my DM @jkr123

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Thank you for telling about Twitter VIT. I was not aware of this feature. I am verified from long time.

Thanks and Regards

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Any completed transactions for username claim?

I have some ongoing orders on site, and have delivered off site.

can you verify a twitter account? if so pls dm

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Can you reverse an IP suspension? My accounts keep getting suspended for “evading suspension”? I got suspended because I let a username swapper sign into my account and swap a username

For everyone asking, I can’t claim usernames if it’s a suspended account.

Can you clarify what a ‘verified Twitter username swap’ is?

If your account is verified and you need a change of username for that account

Bumping my earlier comment

No, sorry. Won’t be possible

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