Service type: Twitter Username Claims | Generic and Non-Generic
Price: from $2K + Swapd Fees | USDT
I can claim inactive Twitter handles and transfer them to your current Twitter account.
Usernames must not be active, or suspended.
Generic handles may be claimed, Please to send a PM.
TAT: Few hours - 10 days maximum
Your current handle
Your desired handle
Email address linked to current handle
Description Why do they need the username?
Trademark (optional)
Send PM these details:
Your current handle
Your desired handle
Description why do they need the username?
PM me if you have any questions
May be interested in other services:
(X) Twitter Gold Verification & Username Claims | Business Only | Nordic Region
Gold Verification $1K + Swapd Fees | USDT
TAT: Few hours - 5 working days maximum
Note: This is only fast tracking your application. You’ll still have to pay the monthly subscription fee.
Username Claim from $1.5K + Swapd Fees | USDT
TAT: Few hours - 14 working days maximum
I can claim inactive Twitter handles and transfer them to your current Twitter account.
Usernames must not be active, or su…
Service type: Twitter Gold Verification
Price: $1,500 + SWAPD fees payment USDT
TAT: 1 - 5 working Day (Usually only a few minutes)
Get Twitter Gold for your business profile immediately.
Almost immediately, you’ll be able to subscribe to Twitter Gold without needing to wait.
PM me if you have any questions
Note: This is only fast tracking your application. You’ll still have to pay the monthly subscription fee.
Message me with this details.
Just PM me if you have any questions
October 12, 2023, 12:41pm
You keep bumping this, I have clients and I can’t message you.