Twitter Username Swap Service | Clean IP | High Success Rate | No Login Needed

Twitter Username Swap Service
Move your handle to a fresh or even your main account without the risk of losing it.

Why should you use my service?

  • The swaps are done through clean IP addresses, which means I make sure to use a different and never used IP address for every swap, this is done to minimize the potential risk of bans.
  • I don’t need your login information to do the swap.

Starts from a minimum of 100$ + fees | Price depends on username value.

I’m not responsible for any ban, locks, or anything similar that happens to the username.
In the rare case that the username is lost I will refund only the SWAPD fee and not the username value.

so it’s a win for you only, if it works you are paid, if it doesn’t then you only refund swapd fees

The swap is done with a tool that is faster than bots, the disclaimer is written in the very rare case that something goes wrong because anything can happen.

Twitter swaps were discontinued since months, you’re just using a autoclaimer with a 60% risk to lose the username, please make sure what you’re selling on this forum because that isn’t telegram !

if you are sure about your service you should refund the username value if you lose the handle not pay swapd fees

I’m not using a autoclaimer

twitter swap isn’t possible anymore, you can’t do main swaps with a 99% success

send dm

Need twitter username. send pm

(post deleted by author)