Ultra-premium @username, 40M hashtags, 3 letters, SPORT/HEALTH niche! OG email included!

Property type: Instagram
Why is it unique?: The handle speaks for itself.
Price: 50000 USD

This handle was once listed and sold on SWAPD, back in 2019. As a part of our upcoming concierge service, we’re listing it on the behalf of our client. The new owner has had it for two years now and no problems what-so-ever. No pullbacks. This is the most brandable Instagram sport username ever. 3 letters, 40M+ hashtags. OG EMAIL INCLUDED!

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Why that amount? :eyes:

Because it’s so special that you will sell it for that much even if it’s under reserve. Or am I wrong?

The owner wants to know what people are willing to pay :slight_smile: We don’t mind if it doesn’t reach the reserve, even though it would be awesome if it did.

Sell it to Nike.


What’s the minimum reserve though

The reserve is hidden :slight_smile:

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