Amount of subscribers: 10100
Country of subscribers (majority): USA-UK
Topic/Niche: Games
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic
This channel with its special statistics with HIGH CPM. Looking for Serious Offers Only!
The channel is currently MONETIZED and ACTIVE SHORTS REWARDS. It was Monetized on 29th May 2023 So there nothing to worry about demonetization in future. Niche is GAMES, and has 10.2K SUBS Mostly the audience of the channel is from USA - UK . this channel active 2.3M views have been achieved in lifetime (some videos are deleted), and the channel is currently interactive . all subscribers to the channel are real . there is no strickes on the channel… Payment method: Prefer USDT.
Thank You!