USA Top 4 886k 4-letters Name

Country of followers (majority): international
Amount of followers: 886k
Topic/Niche: celebrities, music, random photos
Promotion methods used? No
(Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): shares in my network


4-letter page easy to memorize
Page with very good quality audience and some premium countries
USA top 4
Australia and Italy
Perfect page to monetize or to target audience with links in stories to your website or instant article platform
The page reach is low because I don’t have posted for a while but don’t matter if it is to monetize
Buyer will have to delete all videos and start posting original videos or making live videos
Live streaming is the easiest way to monetize a page

Page is green quality but yellow for monetization because of limited content originality but if you post original videos the flag can be removed less than one month or you can contact members here on Swapd and they can monetize the page for you
I will send you the link
We are currently working on the reach but in the next few days it will be over 1M for sure
I will make updates here in the comments
For more information
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