USA Top Mens Motivational Channel

Amount of subscribers: 162,789
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Motivational
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): organic

Description: Motivation Niche Channel Haven’t posted since april 2023 and the page is still growing thousands of subscribers by the month. I just now started posting again and you can see how active the shorts are. Currently testing videos.

Comes with a 195,000 tiktok active and 2500 instagram channels

Monetization enabled: no but this will make you $10,000 plus a month

Ways of promotion: none

Sources of expense: if you want to outsource video creation

Sources of income: Channel is not in youtube partner program because of new policies. you would have to switch to unique motivational content to get monetized.

To support the channel, you need: knowing how to edit.

Content: Rewritten content

link please and proof of 10,000 per month thanks.

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Not monetized. Will you consider $2k?

I stated it can make that once monitize.

Please send me a message.

Link and Best price