Username Claim & Unban Service [Instagram]

Service type: Inactive Username Claim & Unban Service

Price: $2,500

Description: My team has been able to obtain many different usernames and have gotten accounts back that have been disabled/deactivated (not deleted).

Qualifications for Username Claim: Inactive since 2017 with no posting since then. Private profiles are tricky because it’s hard to tell if it’s active or not. We can send a message from our credible accounts to check in advance if needed. Takes anywhere from 1 day to 5 days.

Qualifications for reactivating a disabled account: We cannot get accounts back that were taken disabled for copyright. If it was just from reports, adult industry, report not, etc, we can help with these.

We will attempt to obtain the desired username or reactive the account but if we are unsuccessful, full refund will be granted.

Willing to show proof and do a couple of these prior to payment to trusted members to show legitimacy.




Sent PM.


Messaged boss.

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Can you get 2/3 characters

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price for recovery banned ig acc. ?

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So far, the user wasn’t able to deliver. Just an FYI.


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