Verified Email Leads (OF Creators, Spotify Curators, Journalists, Influencers, etc.)

Type of leads:
Investors, OF Creators, Agencies, Spotify Curators, Journalists, YouTubers, TikTok Creators, etc.

Best leads you’ll find.
All verified.

Some lists also include enriched with LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Inventory :point_down:



Which list are you looking for? PM, some are sold - some still avail.

Any music related; bandcamp, dj; music vip

PM Sent

OF creator list still available? if so how much

PM Sent

Can you send me a Pm with prices thanks

Can you send me a Pm wiht the prices looking to buy some

PM’d again - let me know.

Also - I’ve added 500,000+ TikTok creators & 300,000+ YouTubers plus 75k Instagram from USA 1-100k with verified emails. PM for details if looking for “micro” influencers 5-150k followers mostly.