Verified username change (without loosing the badge)

Price: $3000 fixed price

I can change verified account’s usernames via our media portal without the account losing the badge.
The username you request does have to be similar to your current username, we can not rename @renamed123189182 to @john for example.

What we need:
:white_check_mark: Current username
:white_check_mark: The desired username
:white_check_mark: Email address on the account
:white_check_mark: Optional: If you already own the desired username the email on that account as well

:warning: We won’t need your password.

You won’t lose verified badge after username has been changed. If your badge is deleted after order completion we’re not responsible for this.

Unless your account has been verified with false information, in that case, there is a chance that Instagram will remove the badge from the account during the name change process.

Time length varies, usually requests are processed in 24-48 hours (sometimes in only a few hours).
(I will keep you updated throughout the process).


  • Bitcoin (prefered)
  • TransferWise

I’ve done this service for many of our agency clients over the last few months, none of the accounts have ever lost their badge.

Online and selling :blush:

Limit your bumps to once every 24 hours. Thank you.

Please tell us what happens if the verification badge is lost during the name change.

That’ll be a risk of the user. But so far none of the swapped accounts have lost the badge.

That’s crazy unfair, but OK. Good luck with sales.

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The badge will never be lost, unless the account was incorrectly verified.

You can’t say that for certain. We’ve seen it happen previously on SWAPD with accounts that were in fact verified the ‘correct’ way.

Additionally, could you elaborate on the following;
If the account loses its verification badge during your service, e.g in the middle of the checkout-ticket, would you still put the blame on the buyer, and would you still require a payment?

If the badge get’s removed during the checkout-ticket we will not take a payment.

Thanks. Good luck with sales.

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