Very active 136k likes and 210k followers Cristiano Ronaldo Facebook fanpage

Property type: Facebook fanpage
Amount of fans/followers: 136k likes and 210k followers.
Country of followers (majority): Iraq, USA and United Kingdom
Topic/Niche: It’s a fan page of Cristiano Ronaldo
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: No, I have not.
Price: Highest offer.

Description: It’s a fanpage about Cristiano Ronaldo. The page’s followers/likers are damn active. I usually get 3000-4000 likes each post.

Hey could I get the URLs and insights etc?

Yes, of course. Answer my pm :slight_smile:

can i get the url, im interested!

Yes. I have sent you a pm :slight_smile:

$200 is the current highest offer.

Page URL please :slight_smile:

Pm sent


Currently highest bid: $400

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