Vlbrant's story

Hey everyone!

It’s been a while since I started my journey in the world of reselling YouTube channels, back on Nov 17, '20. When I first started, I struggled with keeping my clients satisfied and often ended up losing them due to my lack of experience. Looking back, I realize now the importance of having a strong social presence, something that I wish I had known earlier in my journey.

When I first started exploring ways to make money, I considered many options such as buying and reselling products from eBay or AliExpress in my country. However, I eventually decided to venture into reselling YouTube channels, which has been a successful venture for me.

Initially, I started working with Accs-market, and after a year, I discovered Swapd. I remember feeling thrilled when I made my first sale, as I knew I would no longer have to rely on my parents for money. This motivated me to keep going, even when I faced challenges such as figuring out how to receive payments without a Visa. Luckily, I found a partner who was willing to help by creating a crypto wallet.

Swapd has been a game-changer for me, not only in terms of my business but also in terms of my personal growth. I learned the importance of respecting others and ensuring that the items I sold were profitable. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story with you all.

During my journey, I met many wonderful people, including an escrow staff member who provided me with tremendous motivation. I also had a client from the USA who bought Facebook groups, which helped me accumulate the funds I needed to start buying and selling YouTube channels. It wasn’t easy becoming a successful reseller, but today, I have over NON big YouTube channels in stock and have expanded my business to include crypto and dropshipping.

So why am I sharing my story? I want to inspire others who are thinking about starting their own businesses to take the leap and start today. It’s not always easy, but if you keep working towards your dreams, success is possible. Along the way, remember to respect your clients, get personal, admit mistakes, surprise them, and most importantly, listen to them before responding. Here’s to success!

  • Respect Your Clients
  • Get Personal
  • Admit Mistakes and Correct Ethically
  • Surprise Them
  • listen first, respond later

@/SWAPD, I am very interested to see :smiley: How did you conclude that you created this best website, and why you named it still and still swapd :thinking: :heart:


Keep up the good work, young king :crown:

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Vibrant, an inspiration for all! Amazing story:)

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Thank you, you’re amazing! :heart:

Words can’t express how thankful I am! :dizzy: :heart:

All the best @Brant

My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you :dizzy: :heart:

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Congratulations bro :money_with_wings:

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Your congratulations wishes warmed my heart and made me so happy. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement :heart_eyes: :heart:

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Good Luck Yong King💗

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thank you so much! I really appreciate it :heart_eyes: :heart:

Great story bro :heart_eyes::raised_hands:

And you can find all this info literally by some research on the site itself.

Thank you very much for your consideration :heart_eyes::heart:

Great story bro. Good Luck :heart:

thank you and welcome to the VIP users group!:heart:

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Good Luck :heart: :fire:

Thank you so much! :heart_eyes::heart:

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Great story and loves the List :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Thank you :smiley: :heart: Awaiting to see your story :slight_smile:

Hey bro, congratulations! Keep going. Cheers🍺